The people working at Pavox are extremely friendly probably because we are two of the only patrons some nights (side note: Russ frequents Pavox more often than I do so when his friend
John who works in Seoul visited, John was given a flaming shot of something just because he was Russ' friend). However, Pavox is more expensive than the other bars so we usually visit for the darts and Kazu and Miss Cleo. Kazu was the one who provided John with the flaming shot (which the flames didn't show up on the picture so you can just pretend) and is in the group picture with myself, Russ, John, and our friend Jake. Kazu is also incredible at darts. We occasionally invite him to play with us and we have yet to come within 150 points of beating him (we play 501 where all players start
out at 501 points and the first to exactly zero points wins).
In the last picture is Russ and Miss Cleo. Not really sure how Miss Cleo came up with her name, but she is pretty impressive at darts as well. It must be the fact that they often have no one there and have many opportunities to practice.